Thursday, December 2, 2010

Late blog post is late.

I totally skipped a blog. I hope I'm not too late... Maybe I'll get some points for this...

The Event has been steadily low in ratings, dropping week to week. I haven't even watched the show since the pilot. This site gives four reasons the show is a boring one. It seems as though the producers didn't think the show through enough. Or maybe they thought too much about it. Either way, the formula they used to create the next new serial drama/sci-fi didn't work out as well as they'd hoped. The hype for the show was way bigger than the show turned out to be, which is disappointing for viewers and NBC. 

The Walking Dead received record ratings for its fifth episode. Many sources are calling it the best new show of the season, and for good reason. It has strong writing, quality acting, and zombies. What could be better?

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